Join Us

Who Can Join ASLMS?

Any scientist, engineer, physician, other health care professional, or any individual who is qualified and duly licensed to engage in independent clinical practice and is qualified and recognized in his or her respective field. Or any individual who is recognized as being significantly involved with the laser industry.

Application Process

Each application is reviewed by the ASLMS Vice President. After your application has been reviewed and approved by the Vice President, you will be sent a new member email, followed by a new member packet and membership certificate.

Membership Categories

You will be asked to identify yourself by one of the following categories. You are also required to provide a graduation date to determine the career level. Please supply the most recent or anticipated graduation date: 

Physician - DO, MD, MBBS (or similar), Dentist, Veterinarian

Nursing or Allied Health – Aesthetician, Chiropractor, Laser Safety/Laser Safety Officer, Laser Technician, Medical Assistant, Naturopathic Medical Doctor/NMD, Nursing (BSN, LPN, MSN, NP), Office, Physician Assistant, Other (option to provide other occupation) 

Industry - Business Development, CEO/President, Financial, Marketing, Research, Sales, Trainer, Vice President, Other (option to provide other occupation)

Scientist - Biomedical Engineer, Engineer, Research, Other (option to provide other occupation)

Early Career Membership

To qualify for special early-career or student rates, you must supply an email or letter (on official letterhead) from your institution. 

2nd Year Postgraduate – If you have completed your training in the last two years.

1st Year Postgraduate – If you have completed your training in the last year.

Graduate Student – Any scientist, engineer, physician, or health care professional who has earned a bachelor’s degree, and is pursuing further education in science, engineering, biology, medicine, surgery, or other related disciplines.

Undergraduate Student – Any student who is seeking an undergraduate degree at an accredited educational institution. This class is non-voting.
